Obama campaign director reveals Facebook ALLOWED them to mine data

Obama campaign director reveals Facebook ALLOWED them to mine data(dailymail.co.uk)

submitted  ago by doginventer to politics (+60|-1)

Facebook has suspended the account of the whistleblower who exposed Cambridge Analytica(yahoo.com)

submitted  ago by SebuttYopick to technology (+65|-1)

Hillary: If Facebook posts and Tweets are to blame for your loss, maybe you were just a shitty candidate.

submitted  ago by SquarebobSpongebutt to whatever (+65|-1)

Head of Cambridge Analytica filmed discussing use of bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians

Head of Cambridge Analytica filmed discussing use of bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians (telegraph.co.uk)

submitted  ago by doginventer to politics (+25|-1)

Funny, When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions Of Users To Win In 2012, Everyone Cheered

Funny, When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions Of Users To Win In 2012, Everyone Cheered (investors.com)

submitted  ago by Ex-Redditor to whatever (+98|-1)

#DeleteFacebook movement gains steam after 50 million users have data leaked

#DeleteFacebook movement gains steam after 50 million users have data leaked(sfgate.com)

submitted  ago by Ex-Redditor to technology (+196|-3)

Facebook is Quite Literally Dying: Good Riddance

Facebook is Quite Literally Dying: Good Riddance (hooktube.com)

submitted  ago by fluxusp to politics (+182|-10)

Mark Zuckerberg Has Lost $5 Billion So Far Today Amid Facebook Data Controversy (time.com)

submitted  ago by Im_Brian to politics (+33|-2)

Former Obama Official Admits Facebook Allowed Obama Campaign to Mine Data Because "They Were On Our Side" ~ But libs are pissed at Trump for doing the same thing.

Former Obama Official Admits Facebook Allowed Obama Campaign to Mine Data Because "They Were On Our Side" ~ But libs are pissed at Trump for doing the same thing. (thegatewaypundit.com)

submitted  ago by Scrooblemeyer to politics (+63|-1)

Just Prior To ((( Facebook ))) Revealing Massive Personal Data Breach of Over 50 Million Users - ((( Mark Zuckerberg ))) sells $357 million in stock, part of plans to unload up to $12 billion.

Just Prior To ((( Facebook ))) Revealing Massive Personal Data Breach of Over 50 Million Users - ((( Mark Zuckerberg ))) sells $357 million in stock, part of plans to unload up to $12 billion. (cnbc.com)

submitted  ago by KosherHiveKicker to politics (+55|-2)